Senin, 04 November 2013

About Us


Jungle Edie, a tour guide since 1998 by  ''INDONESIAN ASSOCIATION GUIDE'' as guides in the jungle trip, has over 14 years of experience guiding trips in the jungle.
 Involved to create
 '' Orangutan life to be good and perfect'' by providing competitive prices and consistently high level of service to meet and exceed the expectations of our clients.

Trekking record and excellent relationships with all visitors, other suppliers have helped us to evolve to the level of the leading incoming tour guide around the island of Sumatra and BukitLawang orangutans.
My sheer perseverance. Today I power operation with 15 staff dedicated team of reliable experience that has successfully handled booking independently jungle trekking, visitors travel from all countries.

A warm welcome from Sumatra BUKIT LAWANG ORANG UTAN.
Jungle Edie Tours, takes you to Discover the island of Sumatra Bukit Lawang Orang Utan, interesting experience.

Jungle Edie Tour, Become a tour guide since 1998
And Jungle Edie also have staff,
and equipment for jungle trekking
Our dedicated and well-experienced in guiding tourists in the jungle,
with a leading track record for more than 14 years of valuable experience while traveling the jungle,
who once worked with
 from USA, Europe, UK, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Switzerland, Slovakia, Hungary and especially from the Netherlands, as well as countries in Asia,
and now together as the perfect host.

We provide a comprehensive service which includes a trip
      Tailor Made Tours can be arranged according to the needs of the individual or group travel, duration and budget
      -trekking adventure
     - Car Rental
      -guide with good experience
I am proud to be a guide and has a staff and a vehicle comprising

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